VirusTotal says that it is probably harmless. I googled the tool, which appears to come from China, but I couldn’t find a homepage. You can launch the FbinstTool that allows you to format your drive in any possible way, restore the partition table from a file, and many more things.
The free tool knows how to deal with FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS and it supports UEFI. There is hardly a feature that you need for creating a USB setup drive that WinSetupFromUSB doesn’t have. You can also add multiple operating systems in one step if the operating system types are different (say, Windows XP and Windows 8.1). WinSetupFromUSB will automatically create a boot menu that enables you to select the image when you boot up. That is, once you create your first bootable USB stick, you just add another ISO. You create a USB stick with multiple Windows 8.1 images by adding the corresponding ISO files one after the other. If you know how to create ISO files from your own customized images, you should also be able to pack all your Windows images on one USB stick, provided the drive is big enough.

This allows you to create one flash drive with the different Windows versions you have to install. In my opinion, the best feature of WinSetupFromUSB is the multiple OS support. For a complete list of all supported sources, have a look at the tool’s website. You can even install MS-DOS 7.1 with WinSetupFromUSB. In addition, the tool supports all major Linux distributions and various popular rescue, antivirus, and backup tools. Of course, you can also use WinSetupFromUSB to build flash drives for previous Windows versions, including Windows 2000. The latest version, 1.4, also supports Windows 8.1.