When it does make you ill, it’s often days later, by which point that time you forgot will have long vanished from your memory. “One problem with handwashing is that, especially in developed countries, you can avoid washing your hands lots and lots of times and you won’t get ill,” says Aunger. By understanding these hidden biases, experts around the world are hoping they can lure us into becoming more hygienic. From a person’s style of thinking to their degree of delusional optimism, the need to feel “normal” and the potency of their feelings of disgust, a number of psychological factors are subliminally discouraging people from washing their hands. It turns out that failing to stop by the sink on your way out of the bathroom might not just be down to laziness.
Why are some of us such enthusiastic hand-cleaners that we will pay £360 for hand sanitiser during a shortage, while others stubbornly refuse to simply pick up the soap? And if mysterious new viruses and horror stories about faeces on hotel TV remotes can’t coax people into changing their habits, what will? ( Read more about why we can’t stop touching our faces.)) (The virus is mostly thought to infect people through particles suspended in the air, but it can also enter the body after a person touches contaminated objects and then their face. Since the Covid-19 pandemic emerged, scientists have found that a country’s handwashing culture is a “very good” predictor of the degree of its spread. A 2006 review found that regularly washing your hands can cut your risk of respiratory infections by between 6 and 44%. These statistics are particularly jarring, when you consider that washing your hands is thought to be one of the most life-saving inventions in the history of humankind – contributing to an average lifespan which now hovers around 80 years in countries like the UK, rather than 40 or so as was the case in 1850, when hand washing was first popularised.Īs if we needed any further incentives, this simple hygiene habit also provides the attractive possibility of eluding superbugs and pandemics.

But even in many high-income nations, where both are abundant, only 50% of people actually use them after going to the toilet – surely enough for us to consider making ankle greetings permanent. In the least developed countries, only 27% of the population has access to these things (The World Health Organization and UNICEF estimate that around three billion people don't have either at home). Of course, this can partly be explained by the lack of adequate facilities and soap in poorer parts of the world. Why Covid-19 is different for men and women.


"My 2019 resolution is to say things on air that I say off air…" – the famous last words of Pete Hegseth last year, just before he revealed a secret that set the internet alight.Īt the time, Hegseth was best known as a Fox News presenter who had a sprinkling of controversial views.